Round symbolizes an on going process as the prerequisite for holistic development of the vulnerable communities for which SHALOM stands for. Pigeon stans for PEACE which is very much reguired for the real well being of the people in the villages.
Through dedication and commitment to the cause of peace and well-being of all by building a just society.
To integrate the vulnerable section of the society to provide them interdisciplinary collaboration for better understanding of health, leadership and human dignity through participatory development activities irrespective of caste, creed, sex and color.
The mission of SHALOM is to create a peaceful and dignified society where everyone has the opportunity for equality justice in every sphere of their life for a holistic growth.
To promote the values of self-reliance, inter-discipline, self- responsibility, democracy, transparency, equality, solidarity, openness, social responsibilities, freedom, brotherhood and sisterhood of all irrespective of caste, color, creed and region, to make the people agents of change and channels of peace, caring for others who are really in need and above all to help the people to help themselves to stand on their own legs.
1. To provide the community with necessary assistance and
guidance in becoming more productive and integrate them as
full partners in the development process.
2. To promote modern technique of agricultural practice.
3. To empower the people through capacity building especially
for the vulnerable sections of the societies to assert their rights
and duties.
4. To organize seminars and training programs of short and
long duration on various themes for the animators, health
workers and interested persons.
5. To provide interdisciplinary collaboration for better
understanding for village health, animation and leadership
oriented evaluation programs irrespective of caste, creed, race
and sex.
6. To promote better health for all groups of people.
7. To promote a forestation and build healthy environment.
8. To collaborate with volunteers agencies and government in
the implementation of development programme and
philanthropic services for weaker section especially schedule
tribe and schedule caste.
9. To create and educational climate where illiteracy is a
dominant factor.
10. To promote all manner of cultural activities that will serve to
enrich the life of the people.
SHALOM has been working in the district of Koraput, (mainly
covering the Blocks of Dasmantpur & Koraput) for the last 15
years. SHALOM has been working for the marginalized,
socially and economically disadvantaged and vulnerable
people like women, children, differently-abled.
SHALOM has good Networking with local Government
agencies and other likeminded NGO’s. It has been working
with the support received from the local government agencies
like Tribal Welfare Agency, Nehru Yuva Kendra, community
health centers, also funding agencies like Swiss League of
Catholic Women and Spice Board of India. SHALOM has
been instrumental in making 75 Self Help Groups Self – Reliant
by promoting sustainable social development programs by
developing their traditional skills and mainstreaming them to
the local market.
The women as groups and as Federation have obtained loan
from the Blocks and Banks to support their activities. SHALOM
has mainstreamed these women to the public where they get
some support for their works. SHALOM also has worked for
the education of children especially the girl children who are
always at risk in the tribal area. We are working on RTE( Right
To Education), MGNREGA(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act)
50 villages of 4 GPs of Dasmantpur and Koraput blocks of Koraput district, State of Odisha, India.
Nehru Yuva Kendra(NYK), Koraput an autonomous body for Youth Development under Youth Ministry, Government of India.
1. SLCW , Switzerland.
2. Spices Board, Organic farming.
3. Horticulture, Koraput.
4. Nehru Yuva Kendra(NYK). Koraput
Poverty, inequality in the society, lacuna of functioning development programmes, inefficient functioning of self governance, a very poor educational context, ill-functioning of health care system, negligible infrastructure facilities for the rural poor in matters of housing, road communication, unavailability of vehicle for transport in time of emergency, lack of hygienic toilet, lack of tele connectivity, irrigation facilities for agriculture.
SHALOM has touched every aspect of the people she was involve with during the span of 15 years theoughbprogramme like community development, health, education, awareness and economic programs. SHALOM has touch every sorts of people in the village with the vision of improving their holistic growth. Some impact are mentioned below
Our future intervention would be to make the neglected section of the community to became competitive in obtaining equal rights for themselves just as every other privileged segment of the society by having right based approach. Community would be self sustained by involved themselves in different developmental activities.
We seek to have a partnership with you so that together with
you we will be in a position to involve ourselves for the potential
development of the target communities.
SHALOM, Koraput
Odisha, India
1. Society Registration Act of 1860, No- KPT 3774-----of 2002-2003.
2. Date of Registration- 24.03.2003
3. Registered under FCRA,. Number 1049---, dated- 28.8.2008
4. Registered under 12 A
5. PAN number-;AAHTS----
6. Banking details
State Bank of India, New Delhi(Main account)
Canara bak( utilization account).
K.L.Joy- President
P.Ch. Dandasena- Vice- President
S.K. Chetty- Secretary
J. Beniya- Treasurer
R. Kuldip- Member
L. Bagh- Member
M. Khosla- Member
1. OUR BANKING INFORMATION: Only for Foreign Contributions.
CANARA BANK( Utilization Bank) Koraput
Full time staff- 12, Part time-5